12/11/2009This is Anissa from Hotwind Sauna Equipment Co.,Ltd., a leading professional Sauna Infrarouge factory in China.
I learnt from internet that you sell Sauna Infrarouge .
We are a top Sauna Infrarouge manufacturer in China and we wish a chance to cooperate with you.
Please visit our website: www.hotwindsauna.com for more information. If you"d like to our Sauna Infrarouge price list, feel free to cotnact with me .
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards
Hotwind Sauna Equipment Co.,Ltd.
Address: Floor 3, Building B, Fortune Plaza, No.75 West Jianguo Road, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. China
Tel: +86-516-82026266 Fax:+86-516-82026269 Mobile: +86-13775807477
Email: hot609@hotwindsauna.com
MSN: hotwind803@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.hotwindsauna.com