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Boîte de couplage pour CPL

Code fiche produit : 15736443
Prix sur demande
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  • Câble coaxial = 75 Ω ( sauf utilisation d’un autre type de coaxial)
  • Câble symétrique (paire blindée 2 X 1 mm²) = 90 à 100 Ω
  • Ligne haute tension, ente phase et terre = de 200 à 450 Ω
  • Ligne haute tension entre deux phases = de 300 à 600 Ω
Voir la description détaillée


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Demande de prix pour Boîte de couplage pour CPL


Subject: Price request, Ref: ARMUIN /2214882/P1
Hello to you ;
Please kindly send us your best price terms for the eventual purchase as follows:
Post 1: Coupling boxes ref SIEMENS Allemagne AKE 100.
The coupling boxes must allow coupling to the line of the phase-phase or phase-earth type and must perform the following functions:
- Impedance matching function and galvanic isolation
- Tuning function with attack capacitor;
- Protection and drainage function made up of an earthing switch, a drainage coil and a lightning arrester;
Electrical parameters:
The main electrical characteristics to be observed are as follows:
- Frequency range: from 50 to 500 kHz;
- Impedance on the PLC terminal side: 75 Ohms;
- Power line side impedance: from 300 to 600 Ohms depending on the line in question
- Composite attenuation <= 1 dB;
- Return loss >= 12 dB;
Mechanical parameters:
The design of the boxes must be such as to make the impedance matching settings, by selecting the appropriate combinations, easy to achieve.
The coupling boxes are mounted on the structures supporting the drive capacitors, for this purpose they must be designed for easy installation and mounting in these structures.
The coupling boxes must withstand the surrounding environments in which they will be installed for this purpose, the required protection index is IP54
Reference standard:
Coupling boxes must meet the following international standard:
IEC 60481: Coupling groups for carrier current systems on power lines;
Quantity: 13 pieces

Your proposal must reach us before: 12/Avril/2022
Our additional terms:
Technical sheet :
Estimated gross and net weight:
Origin and HS4 customs code:
Delivery and invoicing of the goods must take place at the following address:

Mobile: +32 - 493.525.228
Tel: +322- 649.31.85

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